Eco Farming and Organic Food Retail Startup LavkaLavka Introduces BioCoin – a Blockchain Based Loyalty Platform
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Eco Farming and Organic Food Retail Startup LavkaLavka Introduces BioCoin – a Blockchain Based Loyalty Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - Russiabased ecofarming accommodating LavkaLavka fabricated account in contempo years amidst sanctions put into abode by President Vladimir Putin banning the acceptation of a advanced ambit of aliment and agronomical articles in 2024 Now they are in the spotlight already afresh as they advertise BioCoin a blockchain based adherence belvedere and cryptocurrency

LavkaLavka is a agriculture accommodating whose mission is to abutment bounded farmers while advancement the rules of fair trade, acceptable development, and amenable consuming. Since its alpha in 2009, LavkaLavka has developed to accommodate over 200 baby ancestors farms beyond Russia. In addition, they advance a growing arrangement of retail outlets including an online store, 5 brick-and-mortar stores, 3 cafes, 2 restaurants, and a farmers’ market.

BioCoin is a blockchain-based adherence platform, created to facilitate the eco-friendly and advantageous agronomical archetype about the world. As a aggregate of cryptocurrency and adherence platform, BioCoin is advised to abutment bounded farmers and amoebic aliment retailers and acquiesce them to acknowledgment amount to their communities through a arrangement of rewards and discounts.

LavkaLavka has already congenital a foundation for BioCoin’s ecosystem through its all-embracing agriculture cooperative. According to the LavkaLavka team, about 20 actor BioCoins are already in circadian circulation, acclimated by farmers in Russia and several added countries.

In a altercation about BioCoin, LavkaLavka Co-Founder Boris Akimov stated:

BioCoin is added than aloof a adherence affairs and it is added than aloof a cryptocurrency. BioCoin is a complete ecosystem that is already in operation and accurate to account anybody complex in the “farm to table” accumulation chain.

Farmers – Co-op farmers account by accepting BioCoins for their products, which they can again use to acquirement any appropriate equipment, as able-bodied as livestock feeds, fertilizers and crop attention agents.

Businesses – The best accessible account to accommodating businesses is an access in chump adherence and echo business. Beyond that, back the BioCoins that barter acquire can alone be spent at accommodating businesses, those businesses will accept BioCoins, which they can use at their discretion.

Customers – When a chump makes a acquirement from any business that is a affiliate of the BioCoin adherence program, instead of credibility they accumulate BioCoins. They can use those bill to acquirement appurtenances from any added affiliate business or barter them on cryptocurrency exchanges.

BioCoin Pre-ICO and ICO

LavkaLavka will be blame off their BioCoin crowdsale with a Pre-ICO that will activate on September 25 and aftermost for two weeks. The capital ICO will activate on October 9. BioCoin’s will be the aboriginal ICO to be captivated in abounding acquiescence with Russian laws.

Out of BioCoin’s 1 billion badge supply, 800 actor will be accessible for acquirement during the Pre-ICO and ICO. The actual 200 actor will be aloof for marketing, salaries, and bounties.

The BioCoin aggregation hopes to accession USD $20 actor through their crowdsale. BIO tokens can be purchased with BTC, ETH, WAVES, SIB, RUB, Yandex.Money, QIWI and the barter amount for BIO is as follows:

At the end of the crowdsale, any unsold BIO tokens will be destroyed.

For added advice about the BioCoin Pre-ICO and ICO amuse appointment the official website.

What do you anticipate about the BioCoin platform? Would you buy from accommodating businesses if it were in your area? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of BioCoin